failure of micro gas-turbine engine(158)

Bearing Specialist 2023. 1. 29. 04:07
아바타: 물의 길
<아바타: 물의 길>은 판도라 행성에서  '제이크 설리'와 '네이티리'가 이룬 가족이 겪게 되는 무자비한 위협과 살아남기 위해 떠나야 하는 긴 여정과 전투, 그리고 견뎌내야 할 상처에 대한 이야기를 그렸다.월드와이드 역대 흥행 순위 1위를 기록한 전편 <아바타>에 이어제임스 카메론 감독이 13년만에 선보이는 영화로,샘 워싱턴, 조 샐다나, 시고니 위버, 스티븐 랭, 케이트 윈슬렛이 출연하고존 랜도가 프로듀싱을 맡았다.
7.8 (2022.12.14 개봉)
제임스 카메론
샘 워싱턴, 조 샐다나, 시고니 위버, 스티븐 랭, 케이트 윈슬렛, 클리프 커티스, 조엘 무어, C.C.H. 파운더, 에디 팔코, 브렌던 코웰, 저메인 클레멘트, 제이미 플래터스, 브리테인 돌턴, 트리니티 조-리 블리스, 잭 챔피언, 베일리 베이스, 필리프 겔조, 듀언 에반스 주니어, 지오바니 리비시, 클로에 콜맨


II. Types of Failure



  • Mechanical failure
    • Wear and tear on moving parts
  • Wear and tear on moving parts is a common type of mechanical failure in micro gas-turbine engines. It occurs when the surfaces of moving parts come into contact with each other, causing friction and abrasion over time. This can result in the erosion or loss of material from the parts, which can lead to a decrease in performance and an increase in the risk of failure.

Some examples of moving parts that are susceptible to wear and tear in a micro gas-turbine engine include:

  • Bearings: Bearings are used to support and reduce friction in the rotating parts of the engine. Over time, the surfaces of the bearings can become worn, leading to increased friction and heat generation. This can cause the bearings to fail, leading to damage to other parts of the engine.
  • Seals: Seals are used to keep fluids and gases from leaking out of the engine. Over time, the seals can become worn, leading to leaks and decreased performance.
  • Turbine blades: The turbine blades are responsible for converting the energy of the hot gases into mechanical energy. Over time, the turbine blades can become worn, leading to a loss of efficiency and an increased risk of failure.

Preventive maintenance, such as regular inspections, lubrication, and replacement of worn parts, can help to reduce the risk of wear and tear on moving parts in a micro gas-turbine engine. Also, using high-quality materials, such as special coatings, can increase the life of the engine parts.

Fatigue failure in structural components


Fatigue failure in structural components is a common type of mechanical failure in micro gas-turbine engines. It occurs when a component is subjected to repeated loading and unloading cycles, leading to the accumulation of small cracks in the material. Over time, these cracks can grow and eventually lead to the failure of the component.

Fatigue failure can occur in a number of structural components in a micro gas-turbine engine, such as:

  • Rotor shafts: The rotor shaft is responsible for transmitting the torque from the turbine to the generator or compressor. Over time, the shaft can become fatigued and eventually fail.
  • Blades: The blades in the turbine and compressor sections of the engine are subjected to repeated loading and unloading cycles, which can lead to fatigue failure.
  • Casings: The casings of the engine are designed to contain the hot gases and protect the internal components. Over time, the casings can become fatigued and eventually fail.

One way to prevent fatigue failure in structural components is to design them with a sufficient safety factor, meaning that the component is designed to be stronger than what is needed for normal operation. Additionally, regular inspections and monitoring of the engine can help to detect small cracks before they have a chance to grow and cause failure.

Regenerate response
드라마의 스토리를 영화 버전으로 확장시킨 멀티버스 판타지 로맨스 완전히 새로운 세계관, 완전히 새로운 스토리의 <상견니> 2009년,리쯔웨이와 황위쉬안은 밀크티 가게에서 우연히 재회한다.처음 만났지만 마치 오래전부터 알고 있었던 것 같은 기시감과묘한 설렘을 느끼는 두 사람.이들은 사계절을 함께 보내며 가까워지고,2010년의 마지막 날, 함께 새해를 맞이하며 연인이 된다. 2017년,황위쉬안의 인생에 예상치 못한 변화가 생긴다. 해외 발령을 받게 된 것.황위쉬안은 이 제안을 받아들이고 새로운 여정을 시작하지만이 선택은 그녀의 미래를 바꿀 뿐만 아니라,리쯔웨이와 모쥔제, 그리고 그녀가 아직 모르는 천윈루의 운명까지 뒤바꿔 놓는데… 이제, 이들은 수없이 뒤엉킨 타임라인 속에서 서로를 구하기 위해낡은 테이프 속 들려오는 노래 ‘라스트 댄스’를 따라 달려가기 시작한다.
7.7 (2023.01.25 개봉)
가가연, 허광한, 시백우, 안육린, 임철희, 금세가